Wednesday, March 2, 2016

GRAVEYARD COFFEEHOUSE - The Best of My Worst Undead Poetry

The Longest Roads Lead Back To Home

I thought that this journey
Might be worth its while
Even if I had to let you go
And stand alone
As long as in the end
I could see who you really are
Behind the veil and the cloak
Beyond the stone walled
Web of lies and deception
That blind them all
I could walk the path to see where it stops
So I could look you in the face
No longer in the darkness
Seeing the light
I should have trusted what I felt inside
What I knew deep in my heart
You are just a miserable child
In a masquerade ball
Playing with toys until the music fades
While I am disillusioned by the shadow
Of a fantasy
So far away
I can no longer touch it or speak its name
I am tired and hungry
Burdened by paths and trails
Trials and tribulations
The stinging realization
That for all my efforts and searching of souls
This has led me to where it all began
Alone and thirsting for passion
Searching for love
In the wilderness.

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