Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Bitter Solitude And Bee Gees Tunes

I can't mourn for the world

But I will cry alone in darkness just for me

I can't sigh for the world

But I will breathe deep and exhale

So I don't explode

In red blotches of fear and angst in mortal terror

For I can't scream for the world

But my silent rage will bleed in black and white shrieks

Speaking volumes in denial and pain

I can see the rain and the mud

I can dance and sing, wet and bloody in ignorant mime

Despite the death and carnage around me

Tomorrow my day will come without a courtesy call

They will plant me like a wilted yellow stink flower

Forgotten in the trash heap of time

And the world will go on in oblivious spite

Without a word or a prayer

Regardless of the tears and righteous anger

The nights of uncertainty and erotic wonder

Harbored within my cold, black heart

In music I will lift myself flying a little higher

Before the inevitable disastrous fall

A glorious, brief respite

Tumbling from a precipice into the yawning abyss

Laughing deadly serious on the way down

Into the grave I paid for on credit

That is all that remains

Everything that really matters

In a mad world of nothingness and sorrow

Of this I am certain

Get yourself on the dance floor

Borrow some fancy clothes before you die

Alone at last call you still can boogie for that song

Shaking your ass of bitter solitude

There are places that still play death disco

And Bee Gees tunes

And Bee Gees tunes...

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