Saturday, January 1, 2022

The madness and futility of indoor heating and why it will fucking KILL YOU and our greatest scientific minds will say it was due to a biological weapons lab in Wuhan, China.

I know by now you are thinking LORD VLAD is off his fucking rocker and you might be on to something. For example, I have a dry steam heat system in my apartment that runs in an L shape and terminating in the living room corner near a window. A similar system runs throught the rooms, but doers not work at all or have any heat. Despite this, I have two cool mist humidifiers running 3 feet apart and the temperature is exceeding 80 fucking degrees F and that is the death steam that sophisticated scientists and the CDC call Covid and I know because it shredded MY lungs and sent roughly 60 gallons of my blood leaking out my mouth, nose and ass and made me lose 50 pounds and be close to death. If you see me now I went from fat boy to underwear model in a month THE HARD WAY...

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