Sunday, May 29, 2022


The war never ends

It lingers in memories slow motion dreams of those you loved and lost

In the laughter and the sorrow

By redemption through smoke and flame through shattered streets

The movie replays through your mind as you see them fall

One by one shrieking as they disappear

But never fully leave

Like the guilt that stays damning you to inner torture

For making it out of this Hell storm alive

Tears that never fully wash away the sorrow and pain

Happiness that fails to erase the misery of days in the fields of flame

The words of those you've slain that condemn you for murder

Each one shining like a medal on your chest

Buried in an unmarked pit mourned by someone somewhere unknowing

And the wars that will never be again continue

Rising up in Medusa like rage and vengeance claiming new victims

For this I remember in place of those that have fallen

Who have lost their minds or have finally been laid to rest

Like a sniper laying in wait in a school house

Learning is a scream in an open field on a beautiful Summer day

Blood pooling and dissolving in the dry ground

As you suddenly awake

So many words that deceive and lead you to your demise.

Finality and the ruthless waste of it all

Beckons constantly


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