Sunday, August 28, 2022


I do not know if Satan exists, but I believe that HELL does. I belive that my reality is just an extension of HELL which is both comforting and disturbing at the same time given world events and the depraved nature of humankind. If Satan exists, contrary to popular belief that he is evil and corrupt, I see him as just a bored player in a dead end job who is both disinterested and a bit of a sadist. Since he does not get rewarded if you reach salvation or damnation he does not care and does not take an active role cultivating evil. Instead he enjoys the little pleasures of the demonic like when you lose your lover and are heartbroken and do something stupid or when your million dollar mansion gets black mold. Satan loves the irony of the world and when people lash out and join the undead minions serving time in HELL to pay back their Karmic debt. Satan also enjoys following politics and sees the humor in President Biden's plan to relieve student loan debt knowing this is just a boondoggle to cover the big banks from crashing and that individual debtors will still have to cover the loans. In fact, Satan is pissing himself laughing about just this very thing right now and cackling until he shits himself. Though I have no solid proof of this.

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