Wednesday, February 15, 2023


I do not know the secrets of the Universe or the purpose of it all, but my belief is Earth is Hell and I am here for a reason. When I open my eyes and close them I see it again and again. I am not here for pleasure though I enjoy pleasure. I am not here for riches though I would not mind being rich. I know I am here to atone for the Sin of being a witch in a past life and the theme of abandonment is rich in my world. Everyone has their private Hell. This is mine. I feel like I know how I will die, but I do not wish to die any time soon. Though I am not here for love, I seek it and give it when possible. I have a purpose that should prevail. Good music is a fringe benefit of my existence and a saving grace. Most of the rest is torment. Welcome to my nightmare.

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