Tuesday, August 23, 2022


This world does not make sense to me. It is not moral, ethical or rational. There is no redemption here or salvation. Your good deeds are likely to bring you pain and death and your death may come from such a stupid thing as a lightning bolt or a fallen tree for no reason at all. And children and animals suffer here as well as innocent people and they die in extreme pain without being saved. No God or Devil intercedes on their behalf and I have a problem with that and the constant wars and pollution as well as rampant corruption. This is not a paradise, but a place where most organisms prey on others, a Hell of sorts if you really think about it. And when I do I realize the only rational explanation for this world is that we live in Hell. Then everything starts to make sense for me at least like the recent car crash where four young women and a young man were killed by a reckless driver that survived. That is something I can see Hell dishing out. Or the recent lightning or tree accidents where people were killed in a random fashion. Again the stuff of Hell. When you realize all the pain, suffering, and frustration of life, it makes sense that living in Hell would be the source of it. Now Hell is not all bad. Some people seem to get more Hell than others and that makes sense, but it is almost impossible to find someone happy with their lives and Hell would explain that too. I must have done some god awful thing in a past life to be tormented with Hell, but I am sure others have done worse and suffer more. I believe Hell is not eternal, but a way to burn off our Karmic debt, but that is my belief and I have no proof this is true. It is comforting that Hell makes sense in this world of bullshit, liars and murderers which of course all belong in Hell. I do not believe God needs a Satan to run Hell and that He could do it Himself, but sometimes you feel like delegating. I do not believe Satan is evil, but just a civil servant type doing his job if he exists at all and that is comforting as well. If you are reading this, you are in Hell with me. Enjoy the view. Really.

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