Thursday, December 30, 2021

SURVIVING THE COVID APOCALYPSE... (This information is not endorsed by the CDC or fact checked but discovered through trial and error by a NJ SATANIST And Vampire) YOU must decide if you feel this is relevant to YOU.

FULL DISCLOSURE _ I have no political, religious, monetary or mercanary agenda here, I just want to try to help people with the information I found and possibly save lives as millions could die here. Consult experts and those you trust and make decisions that are right for YOU. While I joke around a lot, use profanity and off color situations and naughty stories to keep MY spirits up, COVID is no laughing matter as you will see if you contract the virus as I did through my child with a disability. I have had COVID pneumonia for about a month and am just coming out of the woods please disregard my jokes when you read this list as this is deadly serious and not a fantasy or rock video as I usually post about. In no particular order:

1. COVID is extremely dangerous and contagious. Get vaccinated if you trust authorities and listen to CDC advice as my wife was vaccinated and did NOT contract the VIRUS after being tested 4 times and I contracted the virus after being tested and was NOT vaccinated and come close to death's door. I have had COVID pneumonia for about a month which started first with exhaustion then bloody mucous and coughing leading to bleeding from my lungs and other areas. Consult CDC information on COVID pneumonia and related COVID complications.

2. Try to stay calm and focused and try not to panic or engage in conflicts with others as this can literally drain your energy and kill you.

3. Buy items to keep you hydrated and deal with congestion and the COVID death cough, do not worry so much about toilet paper and the latest XBOX release.

4. If you have a support network and an underground bunker that is great, if you don't, focus on the closest circle of friends and relatives that YOU love and get ready for a long siege.

5. If you get what I call the COVID death cough try not to panic and just ride it out but be aware that it will be exacerbated the harder you cough and you WILL NOT be able to breathe.

6. Consult your health care provider and CDC for information.

7. Be aware of the elements and the dryness of the air which can KILL YOU faster than COVID when your lungs sieze up and you start to cough.

8. Stay away from negative, toxic people that you cannot trust as you do not need to be undermined in a crisis.

9. Do NOT lose faith in humankind, your country, religion etc. though I personally always have doubts and try to tell stories on my BLOG which has been running for 8 years or so.

10 . Isolate this information from my BLOG which is fantasy and music etc. TO KEEP ME entertained and seek verification from the CDC, doctors etc. and be brave in this worldwide human crisis that requires ALL OF US be brave and once again show compassion and love for ALL of humankind so we can beat this, survive and thrive and learn to show empathy and respect again for ALL.

11. If you read the other submissions from my BLOG understand it is satire and humor that I find amusing and that keeps MY spirits up and energy level focused. I don't expect you to have my sense of humor to prescribe to my use of profanity, music etc. I do not intend to offend any particular relgion, social group or sexual orientation, country or political or economic system. THOSE ARE MY VIEWS IN MY PERSONAL BLOG.

12. I am doing this to show some love and express information I found helpful regarding COVID and you are encouraged to disregard what I write or investigate as you see fit as it relates to YOU. You may forward my information regarding these COVID tips which may be debunked or verified or found useful depending on your situation ONLY. I do not wish to panic anyone or cause hysteria, but this is MY VENUE and I express MY VIEWS here and you may do so on your BLOG or FACEBOOK etc. which I do not subscribe to.

13. Stay hydrated and informed.

14. Seek medical attenion and guidance. I refused help and almost died because I was stubborn.

15. Running a hot shower and sitting in the steam is a helpful tactic if you find yourself overcome by a COVID cough. Try to ride it out and relax as the rolling cough should pass when your lungs are again moist and you calm down.

16. Do not take drugs,alcohol or other substances that will cloud your judgment and affect your health. Stay nourished, keep taking fluids, and try not to overstress and miss sleep.

17. If you have a CPAP machine use it as a way to get oxygen.

18. Keep your home or shelter well ventilated and clean and do not seek chaos and panic, but listen to first responders, police, paramedics, firemen, security etc. WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER. SHOW RESPECT AND LOVE FOR ALL AND DO NOT DISRESPECT OTHERS, cause disagreements or make it more difficult for the REAL HEROES out there who are average people in your neighborhood that are putting their lives on the line and making sacrifices for YOU.

19. Bear in mind my BLOG is for entertainment purposes, but this list is meant to help people from MY PERSONAL EXPERIENCE with COVID Pneumonia which you may investigate online or seek further advice on how to deal with this crisis as this list comes from my personal experience and you should seek out the advice of government officials, first responders, health authorities etc. and fact check claims I make here which are from my experience with COVID pneumonia and the rest of my BLOG is a venue for entertainment, music, and humor.

20. Try to stay calm and seek support from those you love and authorities that are working around the clock to help you as a member of the human race. DO NOT make things harder for these amazing heroes on the front line or undermine their efforts. As I said before, we are ALL in this together.

21. If you are of like mind with my conception of humor, satire, music etc. then enjoy my blog which has 8 years of material. Otherwise, disregard that and focus on this fact based list or disregard everything if you feel it is irrelevant to YOU and YOUR situation.


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