Sunday, December 26, 2021


I had my first manic episode in 30 years last night as I have not been taking my meds due to dropping buckets of COVID blood and trying to down horse pill antibiotics among other things. I had good and bad moments yesterday and suffered as I oozed blood, hacked up pleghm and blood and pulled bloody boogers from my nose. I am having a post holiday COVID special on bloody boogers 15% off so if you are interested hit me up yo. Right now I am wearing noise cancelling headphones people use at the shooting range as my fucking skin is crawling and I cannot process stimuli or be emotionally connected. I did some good things yesterday like dress up as Santa Claus and give my son a cool HESS TRUCK and the funny thing is he REALLY thought I was SANTA CLAUS even though I dropped like 50 pounds and I can now wear gym shorts that have not fit me in 20 years which is fucking priceless.


The Defenders of the Patriarchy under Commandante LORD VLAD VAMPIRELORD were soundly defeated in battle last night by the SUSAN B. ANTHONY LESBO Commando Brigade in fierce tactical fighting and pitched battles. I fought with my wife all last night as I coughed up blood and pleaded with her to give me some fucking space to breath, be alone, and relax. I live in an apartment that is smaller than most people's bath rooms and we are all cooped up, isolated, nasty and fighting the dry steam heat that is choking the life out of me.

My wife and I are very different people. She loves LAW AND ORDER and that murder mystery bullshit and I love a good Romantic comedy, action and horror. I love nature, women, plants and the paranormal. My wife loves Macy's and buying shit which we cannot afford since we are poor, but at least WE have some love in the midst of all this chaos, murder and plague.


I am sorry YOKO ONO for saying fuck you to you in my blog last night as I know in my heart you are a caring, loving woman who had a soul mate relationship with JOHN LENNON and did NOT break up the BEATLES as it was that prick Paul McCartney and Ringo who put the cabash on things. Paul McCartney, I love you, but you bettercheck yourself calling the ROLLING STONES a hack band and laying bullshit on the beautiful YOKO ONO. Please for the sake of world peace get back with RINGO and YOKO and record something before we are ALL dead.

Justin Bieber I am sorry for saying fuck you to you in my Blog as I was very scared of dying last night and leaving my son with Special Needs without a father. I told my wife she sounded like a chicken and that my voice was like a song bird compared to hers. I fucked up telling my wife the secret about my dinner date with a wealthy college nympho dentist wannabe when I was in my twenties and paid for it as I was reverse mind fucked, harried and ghosted all night long as I hacked up blood and pleaded with her to give me some fucking space so I could calm down and collect myself before I fucking died of COVID in this fucking shoe box apartment as she ghosted me and threatened to call back the swarthy paramedic females and cops to take me to the hospital where I would probably be on a fucking ice slab now. I got about four hours of sleep despite being afraid to jack off and find my dick does not work and flying monkeys come bursting out of my balls alien style, but that did not happen and I released and eventually fell asleep once I stopped being manic and spraying a bottle of cold water to mosten the air so I could breath.

President "sleepy" Joe Biden, VP Morgana La Fey, and the rest of the world can still go fuck themselves as I am angry and scared I will still die in the pathetic, useless world which has caused me mostly pain and misery. Shout out again to JUSTIN BIEBER and LUDICROUS for that gem of a song BABY, BABY, BABY OH which will stand the test of all time despite the naysayers.


Leaders of the world and all religions need to stop killing each other and show some fucking compassion and love for a change instead of murdering innocent women and children and even men and laying waste to the Earth. I am so fucking weak and disgusted and close to giving in so instead of being corrupt, amassing ridiculous wealth and having a god damned mega yacht with a helipad, cocaine stash, gold encrusted toilet and porn star hookers try saving the world you god damned cock suckers.

I am sorry for this rant as it is above my pay grade and I am over the top manic now and will shut down my computer for the rest of the day to try to relax. Shout out to AOC and the squad. Cardie B., William Shatner, Yoko Ono and Lesbians. Everyone else can go fuck themselves. Just sayin.

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