Tuesday, December 28, 2021


First off, I am full blown MANIC and I have not been so in the last 30 years because I faithfully take meds which I have NOT BEEN doing since I caught the DEATH PLAGUE COVID FROM MY SON. APOLOGIES: I apologize to United States President JOE BIDEN, Ex President DONALD TRUMP and ex Porn Star Stormy Daniels for saying nasty things like I am going to ghost them when I die, ghost kick them in the balls etc. President JOE BIDEN is a good man who has suffered and I appreciate that since I am dying of COVID and figure I have an 80% chance of dying and a 20% chance of living and I am ok with that now. President Biden is getting his balls busted when he is trying to save the world from going into the shitter at an age where he should be playing shuffleboard and eating applesauce. As VP Biden was the only candidate with more gaffes than that asshole Dan Quayle and HE STILL BECAME President, show some fucking respect. And shove that up your ass. Ex President TRUMP is an asshole but a man of genius and a lover of women and I respect that especially when I went to TRUMP CASINO in my twenties and blew my weeks salary only to recover $100 by putting a $5 chip on the number 20. Thank you Ex President Donald TRUMP. Ex porn star STORMY DANIELS is a beautiful woman who has issues and who doesn't have fucking issues? I visualed one of her porn scenes this morning to take the edge off and found my dick still works though I am over the top insane and coughing up my fucking lungs. Sorry Stormy and thank you for everything.

FUCK COVID! I mean it.

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