Saturday, June 1, 2019

Graveyard Coffeehouse

Morning Poem

I am drawn to this
My morning poem
It is about you
My darling
Yet so much more
The bliss of dreaming
Of being solitary
Within a deeper love
A higher plane of existence
Where I rule without fear
Knowing the lack
Of limitations
Within this mystical realm.

All the same 
It is a fantasy
A dream
Much like your full breasts
Your pouting lips
My desire 
To be with you 
Make love
This orgasmic vision 
Of Darkness
It is the shadow
Of a dream.

A nightmare which draws me in
Keeps me 
In this world of ghosts
Demon lovers
And succubi
While realty 
Awaits just beyond 
The fringes of this insanity
The sweet madness
Of the virtual world.

I hear your call
Beckoning me
To leave it all behind
Escape reality
For your phantom love
The servitude you promise
As my slave
My goal 
To possess you
Bring you within
My real world
Turning the mind fuck 
Into flesh and bone.

Feeling you 
In my arms
The ecstasy of it all
As the morning ends
And I possess you
My tongue 
Probing your smooth skin
My manhood
Making you scream with delight
Supreme pleasure
For just one day
Perhaps never.

Of what comes of this
You are captured
In my heart
My memory
This immortal's imagination
In this poem
And that I dare say 
Is no small thing
No trivial pursuit
For in bringing you 
Within my realm
My morning poem
I have made our love
Preserved our desire
For eternity
Taking you in my arms

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